Nope, the Internet is locked in the cross hairs to be targeted for control by our government.
Spearheading the assault on cyberspace is the Special Assistant for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy, Susan Crawford. She is the creator of OneWebDay, which was modeled on EarthDay who in turn gave it the momentum to move forward. The mission of this insidious project? In the Wall Street Journal, she is quoted as saying:
"We should do a better job as a nation of making sure fast, affordable broadband is as ubiquitous as electricity, water, snail mail, or any other public utility."
In the political lexicon of double speak, that means transforming Internet access into a government entitlement program, which means government intrusion and total control to ensure everyone gets it for free. If you do some simple poking around on the web, you'll notice that one group that is participating in this next government take over is Free Press, which is the biggest organization pushing for sweeping changes in regulating the Internet and broadcasting.
Why should you be concerned about Free Press? Well, it was founded by Robert McChesney, who is a self avowed Marxist. He is a leading proponent of Net Neutrality, which means in a nutshell, that everyone, no matter how big or small, gets the same amount of bandwidth allotted to their websites.
On a website that advocates a socialist revolution, he stated:
"Instead of waiting for the revolution to happen, we learned that unless you make significant changes in the media, it will be vastly more difficult to have a revolution."
Both Crawford and Robert McChesney have the complete support of the Obama administration and FCC chairman, Julius Genachowski has stated what the agenda is to take over the Internet. If you think that Obama doesn't know anything about it, think again. Remember this statement during the campaigns last year:
"I will take a back seat to no one in my commitment to net Neutrality."
What will net neutrality do to industries that uses the Internet for their enormous bulk of sales? Why, it will cause a collapse of private investments in the Internet infrastructure. After all, who would want to invest in a business who's traffic is no different from the lone blogger sitting in his home, while pounding Doritos in his mouth and slugging back a half rack of Red Bull and waiting for his next welfare check?
Advocates of net neutrality have always used the tactic that the Internet companies, like Comcast will block websites and throttle back bandwidth. The last I checked, we don't have the Great Firewall of China and they have been whining about it since 1999-2000. Yet, we haven't seen it happen yet.
However, when the government takes it over, and you try to visit one of your favorite hangouts on the web, you may just see a message that says:
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