Barack Obama campaigned by talking from both sides of his mouth; to the opposition his rhetoric was one of a centrist, to his base it was a message of fundamentally transforming a great nation and his mantra to both was hope and change. Being a hairs breath away from his first full year into his first and hopefully only term, his approval ratings have slipped faster than any other president since FDR. To the experienced voter during the 2008 campaign, we asked ourselves how on the one hand someone can claim we are a great country, yet on the other hand say it needs to be fundamentally transformed.
There is no doubt in my mind how Obama became president. It was nothing more than a group of Americans that were fed up with President Bush and his administration for getting us into two wars and spending like drunken sailors on shore leave. He also appealed to younger voters or what I call the "Gimme" generation who, like a spoiled child, thought that they were going to get what they wanted.
In 2006 the democrats gained control over both houses of Congress and voted Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House; when that event occurred, I knew that this country was on the road to dark days. Since that time we have seen nothing but arrogance and contempt of Americans by ignoring us and passing legislation that is sure to drive this country into economic disaster. Though it's typical of liberals and progressives to think that they know what's best for everyone else, it's this elitist and statist attitude that will have them wondering why they are no longer sitting in their seat come this time next year.
- When asked where in the Constitution does it say that the government has the authority to force health care on Americans, Nancy Pelosi responded, "Are you serious?"
- Harry Reid recently equivocated Republicans to slave owners because they oppose health care reform. Interesting that he is ignorant of history. Republicans pushed civil rights legislation through Congress in the 1960's, while democrats filibustered it.
- Both houses of Congress are trying their best to pass bills that none of them have drafted or read.
- Obama's job summit included union bosses, yet excluded the Chamber of Commerce.
The list is endless and it's this arrogance that will be their undoing.
Recently we witnessed two gubernatorial elections where democrats were replaced with Republicans. Many liberal pundits claim that these election upsets were not a reflection of Obama and his administration. That may be, however, if these pundits think that these elections in Virginia and New Jersey are not a sign for things to come are out of touch with the real world. Why do you think that they are trying to shove a 2000 page health care reform bill through the Senate?
If you weren't paying attention to either of those elections, then you wouldn't have noticed that the young voters that Obama heavily relied on seemed to be AWOL at the ballot boxes.
If you are jobless, looking for a job, lost a home, etc and you voted for Obama, the question I have for you when you thought that He was going to deliver on his promises is:
How's that hope and change working for you?
No matter what happens, when the tides of political power shifts in November of next year, the damage that Obama and his boss, Andy Stern and Congress has done can be undone and this country can be put back on the road to its greatness.
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