- James Madison
Or to put James Madison's quote more bluntly, "Those who lurk in the shadows and slowly chip away at liberty are more dangerous than those who try to do it openly."
While trying to get universal health care through the House, Pelosi knew she wouldn't have the votes to do it. So, what was the answer to that? Backroom deals, outright bribery and slight of hand; a scene taken right out of the script of the God Father: "Bene, Don Corleone. I need a man who has powerful friends. I need a million dollars in cash. I need, Don Corleone, all of those politicians that you carry around in your pocket, like so many nickels and dimes."
Despite the majority of Americans rejecting it, the democrats got it through by hook and crook. To get the last of the holdouts, Obama went so far as to sign an executive order that would deny taxpayer funding of abortions, an order that is absurd because what Obama giveth, he can taketh away and it's not supposed to be able to overturn law anyway. In other words, Stupak was going to vote yes all along.
Democrats and the MSM
Now that the democrats have completed their quest for the Holy Grail of government handouts, they have now turned their attention to demonizing their detractors, or better known as the Tea Party movement.
During the sixties, left wing radicals were protesting, rioting and in more extreme cases blowing up police stations. They were demonized into obscurity and they learned a valuable lesson. Having reemerged with suit and ties in place of signs and pipe bombs, but with the same message and agenda, they have infiltrated the government and are transforming it from the inside.
Our president has surrounded himself with these radicals and they are transforming and remolding our country into something that will become unrecognizable if it's not stopped in November. But, in order to complete it, he must target his detractors and turn the tables on them just like the left wing radicals were demonized in the sixties. With the help of the state run, lamestream media's help, of course.
So, how are the democrats and their media cohorts demonizing the opposition? By using the race card and trying to link the Tea Party movement to just about anything that could potentially cause damage to the them. Shortly after Obamacare was passed, some democrat politicians openly complained that they were receiving death threats, as well as other vile activities directed against them. Now, why would they do that? Typically, these kind of actions are dealt with under the radar and with local police agencies, yet, they openly accused right wing loons as the culprit.
In response, Eric Cantor came out and stated that someone shot a bullet through the window of his campaign office. He also stated that the reason he did so, was to openly denounce these actions and that the democrats were using these threats for political purposes and basically telling everyone from both parties to knock it off.
During the House votes, nearly a thousand protesters were gathered at the Capitol. Immediately, the lamestream media were claiming that disparaging remarks and words were hurled at democrat politicians, yet nowhere is there any proof of this, much less evidence, but quickly blaming the Tea Party movement.
Laura Ingraham has the answer in dealing with the lamestream media.
When the lamestream media try to use this tactic, throw it right back in their face. Then there is the race hustler himself, Al Sharpton. Bill O'Reilly backed Sharpton into a corner and he couldn't get out.
The way to deal with these lies and falsehoods is to stop being afraid and take it head on. These people are counting on you to run and hide, however, you also need to denounce any acts violence publicly.
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