- Dudley Field Malone
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
There is no doubt, whatsoever, that the left wing media has lost all credibility and for those viewers that watch these news outlets are either doing so to report bias or are true believers of the progressive cause. Judging by the reportage of the Tea Party movement and the recent riots in Arizona, shows without question that the left wing media is complicit with furthering Obama's agenda instead of reporting the facts.
Want proof? Phil Griffin, president of MessNBC reported in the Chicago Tribune that the niche that has been carved out is a left leaning one and a "hard right" show wouldn't fit. He still doesn't get it. It has little, if anything, to do with left or right. The majority of people in America are conservative in their principles. When someone turns on the news and are greeted with Keith Olbermann ranting, Rachel Maddow distorting the facts and the like, they typically don't have the stomach for listening to hate filled rhetoric.
Now, you may say that Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin are little different or worse, but consider this: Why do these commentators constantly beat their competitors in ratings on a daily basis...combined? Since this is an unquestionable fact, what are they doing differently that would garner all these sky high ratings on a daily basis?
There is no one single answer. However, even though each of these commentators has a slightly different message and the vehicle they use to deliver it, they have one common theme. They don't care if the person is right, left, liberal or conservative, if he or she says or does something that puts the spotlight on themselves, they become the verbal punching bag of the day or week depending on the severity of their actions.
With Glenn Beck, it's progressivism and getting back to the roots of the Founders. With Limbaugh, it's the "drive-by" media. Mark Levin it's "repubicans" and statism, etc...and it's entertaining. After all, who wants to watch or listen to someone talking with another that always agrees? How do you learn if you always agree with someone or vice versa?
When the Tea Party movement started when the suggestion was made by Rick Santelli, he was laughed at. Now the left wing media can't seem to stop talking about it, albeit in a slanted and often distorted fashion. I was told years ago that when you become a constant topic of conversation, you got their attention, good or bad. To date, I have yet to read or hear anyone associated with the Tea Party movement being arrested, much less accosted by law enforcement.
So, my question to the media is, "Where's the Tea Party hate?"
Here's what hate really is:
Why isn't the media reporting the riots that are cropping in Arizona? But, will go out of their way to find something nonexistent in a Tea Party rally. Rather than being reporters of facts and the truth, the left wing media has become the "Cut and Paste" lap dogs of bloggers that sit in their basements with a TV, bag of Doritos and Red Bull.
Politics is a divisive topic. When it gets murky, people want to know the facts and the truth, they don't want hateful rhetoric and deliberately skewed reporting.
In closing, I would like to echo what H.L. Mencken once said about truth:
"Truth would quickly cease to be stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it."
I guess when you get down to it, journalism is dead.
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