Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dial 911 and you may die

Let me ask you a question:

If a criminal targets you, would you rather have a telephone or a gun?

You may say that the government promises to protect you, but, is it an empty one? The short answer is yes. The only guarantee of who will be at the crime scene is the criminal and you, with the forensic team coming later to photograph your body then make a chalk outline.

Let me ask you another question:

If a criminal is looking to target a victim, what's the likelihood that he or she would target someone they think may be armed?

If you're honest with yourself, I think you know the answer. This is not to say that a criminal high on drugs, or desperate wouldn't make an attempt, but, what's the likely outcome? People that have a criminal intent don't waste time and will choose the time and place to do their deed and someone bent on committing mass murder will most likely pick a place that is a gun free area, such as a school or mall. So, "gun free" zones are in reality "crime spree" zones.

So here's the rub. Do we allow government to "carefully" control guns, or do we allow law abiding citizens to own them? Or, as the pinhead elitists at the New York Times sees it, "Americans are better protected by carefully controlling guns than it is by arming everyone to the teeth." Far be it from little ol' me to make an observation, but, NOBODY has the right to deprive the means of someone defending themselves.

I would ask the rhetorical question as to how many school or mall shootings it will take to convince gun control advocates that criminals are not deterred by gun laws. But, it wouldn't do any good. However, I will ask these self appointed intellectuals how we would be better off in a gunless country. Criminals would like nothing better than to live in a society where they have the upper hand.

Since these "erudite" intellectuals seem to have all the answers, they conveniently ignore dozens of studies reviewed by the National Academy of Science and couldn't find one single instance where gun regulations reduced violent crime or murder. As a matter of fact, when Washington D.C. enacted their handgun law, violent crime sharply increased.

So, the next time you hear that another house was broken into in your neighborhood, look at a photograph of a handgun and look at your phone. Then ask yourself, "Which of these poses a better chance of surviving a criminal threat?"

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