By Bruce Walker
The imaginary science of man-made global warning can now be entered into the infamous history of politicized science, the results of which have threads in our lives today. Consider the residue of such frauds as Rachel Carson, Alfred Kinsey, and Margaret Mead. Carson's invented findings and unscientific methods led to the banning of DDT, which in turn cost the lives of tens of millions of children in undeveloped nations. Kinsey's tortuously doctored "sex research," as Dr. Judith Riesman has so amply demonstrated, was not only invented to sate his perverted lusts, but created scientific myths about normal and abnormal behavior which haunt us to this day. Mead also simply invented research to fit her idea of what the science of anthropology ought to be in order to justify her own immature and immoral behavior. Carson, Kinsey, and Mead had an agenda before they did any research, and this agenda governed everything else.
Read the rest at American Thinker
Monday, November 30, 2009
Admission Of Guilt - Scientists Admit They Dumped Data
Scientists at the University of East Anglia have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years. The UEA’s Climatic Research Unit CRU was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation. The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The revised figures were kept, but the originals — stored on paper and magnetic tape — were dumped to save space when the CRU moved to a new building. Read the rest at FoxNews |
Sunday, November 29, 2009
EPA Relied Heavily On Hadley CRU Data
With all the hullabaloo about the leaked emails from East Anglia's Hadley Climate Research Unit, one aspect of it that's not being talked about too much is agencies, such as the EPA and their reliance on that data to make energy policy. The continued analysis of the code contained within the leaked information clearly shows that fraud was the flavor of the day. Not only does it prove that data was deliberately being manipulated, but, databases were clearly in disarray and what one email from Phil Jones seems to indicate that he wanted material destroyed when skeptics discovered that the UK had a freedom of information act.
What one has to understand is that Hadley CRU wields enormous influence in outside circles and purportedly has the largest climate database in the world; it's models were used in the IPCC's 2007 report, which the EPA has acknowledged it relied upon very heavily when making conclusions that carbon dioxide emissions are a danger to public health.
As more and more information is being brought out by coders looking at the data, it seems that much has to be explained in those emails and data sets. But, what seems to be going around in the state run, fringe media is the legality of these emails being "hacked" and the predictable downplaying of its contents.
What these reporters are ignoring to ask is four important questions:
1. Is this the first time data has escaped Hadley?
2. Since the emails and data go back a number of years, how would a hacker know which emails were relevant and which emails were not?
3. Since the Copenhagen conference is fast approaching, isn't it a little odd that these emails were "hacked" and released to the world?
4. Why hasn't any investigation been called for?
Of course, we can't expect the fringe media to ask questions that may lead to unwanted answers.
Even though Senator Inhofe has called for an investigation, whether or not he will get the support of other Congressional members is the question. Many politicians have been bamboozled into believing the anthropogenic global warming hoax and are not likely to change their view points, particularly since a new revenue stream is in the works with cap and trade legislation.
In 1988, this entire issue was started by Maurice Strong and further propagated by James Hansen with a preconceived notion that the modern human industrial population was causing the earth's temperature to rise. Preconceived notions are supposed to be anathema to scientists, because it tends to send them looking for evidence to support it and discarding any that disproves it. What these emails and data sets show is that these scientists were doing everything they could to manipulate data and, in Phil Jones' own words, hide the decline when results were showing the opposite.
Science also demands sharing of data. Evidence must be verifiable and results must be reproducible in the real world by other scientists, this is how it goes through the filters to keep everyone honest in the process. However, this didn't seem to be the case with the Hadley scientists. Many times data had to be obtained from skeptical scientists through the Freedom of Information Act, which seems to indicate that something was trying to be hidden.
What one has to understand is that Hadley CRU wields enormous influence in outside circles and purportedly has the largest climate database in the world; it's models were used in the IPCC's 2007 report, which the EPA has acknowledged it relied upon very heavily when making conclusions that carbon dioxide emissions are a danger to public health.
As more and more information is being brought out by coders looking at the data, it seems that much has to be explained in those emails and data sets. But, what seems to be going around in the state run, fringe media is the legality of these emails being "hacked" and the predictable downplaying of its contents.
What these reporters are ignoring to ask is four important questions:
1. Is this the first time data has escaped Hadley?
2. Since the emails and data go back a number of years, how would a hacker know which emails were relevant and which emails were not?
3. Since the Copenhagen conference is fast approaching, isn't it a little odd that these emails were "hacked" and released to the world?
4. Why hasn't any investigation been called for?
Of course, we can't expect the fringe media to ask questions that may lead to unwanted answers.
Even though Senator Inhofe has called for an investigation, whether or not he will get the support of other Congressional members is the question. Many politicians have been bamboozled into believing the anthropogenic global warming hoax and are not likely to change their view points, particularly since a new revenue stream is in the works with cap and trade legislation.
In 1988, this entire issue was started by Maurice Strong and further propagated by James Hansen with a preconceived notion that the modern human industrial population was causing the earth's temperature to rise. Preconceived notions are supposed to be anathema to scientists, because it tends to send them looking for evidence to support it and discarding any that disproves it. What these emails and data sets show is that these scientists were doing everything they could to manipulate data and, in Phil Jones' own words, hide the decline when results were showing the opposite.
Science also demands sharing of data. Evidence must be verifiable and results must be reproducible in the real world by other scientists, this is how it goes through the filters to keep everyone honest in the process. However, this didn't seem to be the case with the Hadley scientists. Many times data had to be obtained from skeptical scientists through the Freedom of Information Act, which seems to indicate that something was trying to be hidden.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Eugene Robinson's Hot Air
Eugene Robinson's article at Real Clear Politics is long on spin and short on facts. Let's pick it apart:
We "climate change deniers" are not saying that global warming is a fraud, we are saying the junk science used to purvey it is the cause and the fraud, so I guess, in a sense, global warming is man made considering that the emails prove that Michael Mann, et al tried to hide the decline and it's not just the emails, it's the code that is damning. Incidentally, Mr. Robinson which is it, climate change or global warming?
Really? Real science says that it's cyclical and currently they are building up in some places and decreasing in others.
More mindless "consensus" claptrap. Of course climate change is real, it's been going on for 4.5 billion years and throwing money at a non existent phenomenon isn't going to 'fix' anything, but it will destroy the economy if this preposterous cap and tax bill gets passed and signed into law fast. As for "scientific consensus", there is no such thing. Let me repeat that: there is no such thing. When are you climate change alarmists going to realize that? But, if you want to play the consensus game, may a I direct your attention to the Global Warming Petition Project?
Nobody hacked into anything, Mr. Robinson. If that were the case, then why hasn't an official investigation been started yet? Those emails go back a number of years, how would a hacker know which emails were relevant and which emails were not? This isn't the first time data has been leaked by Hadley CRU, ask Stephen Mcyntire at Climate Audit. Then there is the timing of this event. Since the Copenhagan climate conference is looming, don't you think it's a bit odd that these emails were leaked?
"Don't read well"? That's beyond any understatement, considering that violence was suggested by one "scientist".
Ah, yes it is Mr. Robinson and here's where you climate change alarmists are missing the entire point. The code (IDL) clearly shows that the data was altered involving data manipulation going back to the 60's to make it look as if there was a warming trend.
The rest of Mr. Robinson's article is more claptrap and apologist rhetoric that is always vomited by those who venerate anyone that creates a feel good campaign. These scientists are the epitome of why PHD means Piled High and Deep and should have their credentials revoked, because this is clearly academic fraud.
Stop hyperventilating, all you climate change deniers. The purloined e-mail correspondence published by skeptics last week -- portraying some leading climate researchers as petty, vindictive and tremendously eager to make their data fit accepted theories -- does not prove that global warming is a fraud.
We "climate change deniers" are not saying that global warming is a fraud, we are saying the junk science used to purvey it is the cause and the fraud, so I guess, in a sense, global warming is man made considering that the emails prove that Michael Mann, et al tried to hide the decline and it's not just the emails, it's the code that is damning. Incidentally, Mr. Robinson which is it, climate change or global warming?
If I'm wrong, somebody ought to tell the polar ice caps that they're free to stop melting.
Really? Real science says that it's cyclical and currently they are building up in some places and decreasing in others.
That said, the e-mail episode is more than a major embarrassment for the scientists involved. Most Americans are convinced that climate change is real -- a necessary prerequisite for the kinds of huge economic and behavioral adjustments we would have to make to begin seriously limiting carbon emissions. But consensus on the nature and scope of the problem will dissipate, and fast, if experts try to obscure the fact that there's much about the climate they still don't know.
More mindless "consensus" claptrap. Of course climate change is real, it's been going on for 4.5 billion years and throwing money at a non existent phenomenon isn't going to 'fix' anything, but it will destroy the economy if this preposterous cap and tax bill gets passed and signed into law fast. As for "scientific consensus", there is no such thing. Let me repeat that: there is no such thing. When are you climate change alarmists going to realize that? But, if you want to play the consensus game, may a I direct your attention to the Global Warming Petition Project?
Here's what happened: Someone hacked into the servers at one of the leading academic centers in the field -- the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England -- and filched a trove of e-mails and documents, which have been posted on numerous Web sites maintained by climate skeptics.
Nobody hacked into anything, Mr. Robinson. If that were the case, then why hasn't an official investigation been started yet? Those emails go back a number of years, how would a hacker know which emails were relevant and which emails were not? This isn't the first time data has been leaked by Hadley CRU, ask Stephen Mcyntire at Climate Audit. Then there is the timing of this event. Since the Copenhagan climate conference is looming, don't you think it's a bit odd that these emails were leaked?
Phil Jones, the head of the Climatic Research Unit, released a statement Wednesday saying, "My colleagues and I accept that some of the published e-mails do not read well." That would be an example of British understatement.
"Don't read well"? That's beyond any understatement, considering that violence was suggested by one "scientist".
In one message sent to a long list of colleagues, Jones speaks of having completed a "trick" with recent temperature data to "hide the decline." The word "trick" is hardly a smoking gun -- scientists use it to refer to clever but perfectly legitimate ways of handling data. But the "hide the decline" part refers to a real issue among climate researchers called the "divergence problem."
Ah, yes it is Mr. Robinson and here's where you climate change alarmists are missing the entire point. The code (IDL) clearly shows that the data was altered involving data manipulation going back to the 60's to make it look as if there was a warming trend.
The rest of Mr. Robinson's article is more claptrap and apologist rhetoric that is always vomited by those who venerate anyone that creates a feel good campaign. These scientists are the epitome of why PHD means Piled High and Deep and should have their credentials revoked, because this is clearly academic fraud.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Party Crashers
By Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts Washington Post Staff Writers Thursday, November 26, 2009 A couple of aspiring reality-TV stars from Northern Virginia appear to have crashed the White House's state dinner Tuesday night, penetrating layers of security with no invitation to mingle with the likes of Vice President Biden and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Tareq and Michaele Salahi -- polo-playing socialites known for a bitter family feud over a Fauquier County winery and their possible roles in the forthcoming "The Real Housewives of Washington" -- were seen arriving at the White House and later posted on Facebook photos of themselves with VIPs at the elite gathering. "Honored to be at the White House for the state dinner in honor of India with President Obama and our First Lady!" one of them wrote on their joint Facebook page at 9:08 p.m. But a White House official said the couple were not invited to the dinner, not included on the official guest list and never seated at a table in the South Lawn tent. A woman describing herself as a publicist for the Salahis denied that they were interlopers. Pressed for details, Mahogany Jones sent a statement saying simply: "The Salahis were honored to be a part of such a prestigious event. . . . They both had a wonderful time." Read the rest at the Washington Post |
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
ClimateGate Source Code Clearly Altered
By Noel Sheppard As NewsBusters has been reporting since the ClimateGate scandal first broke last Friday, America's media have either been shamefully ignoring the sensitive information hacked from a British university's computer system or dishonestly telling the public there's nothing to it. If these revelations furthered the global warming myth by implicating skeptical scientists in a conspiracy to adjust temperature data while shutting out opinions contrary to their own, press outlets would likely have their science divisions poring over every e-mail and document available to find the proverbial smoking gun. Because in this instance any such research could uncover information contrary to the agenda of most news outlets, scientific editors and reporters have abdicated their investigative responsibilities in an obvious attempt to protect policies they support and advocate. With that in mind, the American Thinker's Marc Sheppard, clearly doing the media's job, examined the computer program source code available in what was hacked from this British Climate Research Unit (CRU), and discovered that this scandal is everything the global warming-obsessed media fear: Read the rest at NewsBusters |
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It's Official - Senator James Inhofe Calls For Investigation
Obama Popularity At New Low
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. This is the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for President Obama. Read the rest at Rasmussen |
Monday, November 23, 2009
Hadley Climate Research Unit Emails Show Academic Fraud
Perusing the 1,073 emails that were leaked, not hacked as many people are claiming, leaves no doubt in my mind that these so-called climate scientists were committing nothing short of academic fraud. I say the Hadley CRU server wasn't hacked and their email stolen based on a number of reasons: 1. This isn't the first time that data has been leaked from the Hadley CRU. 2. For what purpose would hackers have to gain access to data that is more than likely beyond there understanding? 3. Assuming that hackers did gain access, how would they know which emails were relevant and which ones were not? 4. Hackers do not waste their time without some sort of returnable value. In other words it must be worth their time. 5. People readily blame something malicious as opposed to their incompetence. From Real Climate: At around 6.20am (EST) Nov 17th, somebody hacked into the RC server from an IP address associated with a computer somewhere in Turkey, disabled access from the legitimate users, and uploaded a file to our server. They then created a draft post that would have been posted announcing the data to the world that was identical in content of the comment posted on The Air Vent later that day. They were intercepted before this could be posted on the blog I don't buy it for a second. I certainly hope that Senator Inhofe hauls each and everyone of these reprobates before Congress to answer to this falsified data to "hide the decline". More on this topic as more details are gleaned. |
Climate Change Causing Prostitution?
The effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines into dangerous work, and sometimes even the flesh trade, a United Nations official said. Suneeta Mukherjee, country representative of the United Nations Food Population Fund (UNFPA), said women in the Philippines are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change in the country. “Climate change could reduce income from farming and fishing, possibly driving some women into sex work and thereby increase HIV infection," Mukherjee said during the Wednesday launch of the UNFPA annual State of World Population Report in Pasay City. Read the rest at GMA News TV |
Friday, November 20, 2009
AoD - Palinophobes Hate First, Ask Questions Later
This article, by Jonah Goldberg illustrates the age old adage of shoot first, ask questions later.
Slate magazine is just one of the countless media outlets convulsing with St. Vitus' Dance over that demonic succubus Sarah Palin. In its reader forum, The Fray, one supposed Palinophobe took dead aim at the former Alaska governor's writing chops, excerpting the following sentence from her book:
"The apartment was small, with slanting floors and irregular heat and a buzzer downstairs that didn't work, so that visitors had to call ahead from a pay phone at the corner gas station, where a black Doberman the size of a wolf paced through the night in vigilant patrol, its jaws clamped around an empty beer bottle."
Read the rest at Real Clear Politics
Slate magazine is just one of the countless media outlets convulsing with St. Vitus' Dance over that demonic succubus Sarah Palin. In its reader forum, The Fray, one supposed Palinophobe took dead aim at the former Alaska governor's writing chops, excerpting the following sentence from her book:
"The apartment was small, with slanting floors and irregular heat and a buzzer downstairs that didn't work, so that visitors had to call ahead from a pay phone at the corner gas station, where a black Doberman the size of a wolf paced through the night in vigilant patrol, its jaws clamped around an empty beer bottle."
Read the rest at Real Clear Politics
Hackers Expose The Truth About Global Warming
Hackers broke into the servers at a prominent British climate research center and leaked years worth of e-mail messages onto the Web, including one with a mysterious reference to a plan to "hide the decline" in data about temperatures.The Internet is abuzz about the leaked data from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (commonly called Hadley CRU), which has acknowledged the leak of 61MB of confidential data. Climate change skeptics describe the leaked data as a "smoking gun," evidence of collusion among climatologists and manipulation of data to support the widely held view that climate change is caused by the actions of mankind. The files were reportedly released on a Russian file-serve by an anonymous poster calling himself "FOIA." Read the rest at FoxNews |
Why All The Fear?
Once again, Sarah Palin is fast becoming the number one topic of conversation among political pundits and loud mouth, race hustlers like Chris Matthews. I've said it once and I'll say it again, ad nauseum if I have to, that you know when a person is feared when they are a constant topic of conversation. Last night, I was watching Bill O'Reilly interviewing Bernie Goldberg in regards to O'Reilly's first interview segment with Sarah Palin. Goldberg, as usual, nailed it, paraphrasing, he said, "If you hated Sarah Palin going into the interview, you're going to come away hating her. If you went into the interview liking her, you'll come away liking her...". Listening to Rush Limbaugh this morning, he had a brief dust up with a caller that was obviously scared witless of Sarah Palin. Rush, being quick on his feet, asked the caller why he feared her. The caller answered a question with a question and shot back at Rush, why he feared Obama. Being Rush, he quickly answered the distraught caller's question that Obama is destroying the country with his policies. Rush then demanded reciprocation and the caller answered with mindless gibberish and claptrap. Then Rush asked the ultimate question, which was more of a statement, again, I am paraphrasing, "What is it about this woman that drives you so crazy? She can't do a damn thing to you, Jerry." (Full transcript). And that's the question. Why do people fear Sarah Palin when she is no position of power? The answer to this perplexing question is simple. It's jealous envy and fear. People, particularly liberals and liberal women, despise and fear her because they fear her popularity. Because they know that if she decides to make a 2012 run, she can do some considerable damage, not only to any potential democrat, but also to the GOP if she runs on a third party ticket. What this means is that the more independent support she gets, the more democrats and RINO's get really nervous. Despite his loss in NY-23 (which I suspect will be contested as the absentee ballots are being counted), Doug Hoffman surged dramatically in the polls when Sarah Palin publicly endorsed him. This is of massive import, because Doug Hoffman ran against Bill Owens (D) and Dede Scozzafava (RINO) on a third party ticket. Another indication that the she is feared is the fact that the fringe, state run media has to resort to badgering a 17 year old girl at a Sarah Palin book signing event: A Rasmussen poll posted on November 17 on the Admonition blog, shows that she is more popular than Barack Obama and this is at the heart of the fear. You can see the poll here. We all know that Obama is a one termer and liberals know it. They also know that a 2012 Sarah Palin ticket could also mean a potential win and they will stop at nothing to destroy her at all costs. |
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
EPA Removes Free Speech Rights From Its Employees
by William La Jeunesse When Zabel and Williams released a video on the Internet expressing their concerns over the Obama administration’s plans to use a cap and trade program to fight climate change, they were told to keep it to themselves. Laurie Williams and husband Alan Zabel worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for more than 20 years, and they know more about climate change than most politicians. But when the couple released a video on the Internet expressing their concerns over the Obama administration’s plans to use cap-and-trade legislation to fight climate change, they were told to keep it to themselves. Williams and Zabel oppose cap and trade -- a controversial government allowance program in which companies are issued emissions limits, or caps, which they can then trade -- as a means to fight climate change. On their own time, Williams and Zabel made a video expressing these opinions. Read the rest at FoxNews |
FDR's Failed Policies Take Two
The Government Does Not Have the Constitutional Authority To Force Americans To Have Health Care
CNS News has asked some Congressional members where in the Constitution does it give the government the power to force Americans to buy health insurance, not one of them could answer the question. However, Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon states that it's in: Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, which says: "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States."
That section is not what gives the government power to do anything of the sort and I am tired of these corrupt politicians misusing and abusing it to advance their agendas. The CBO has stated that “A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action. The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”
We were warned of this by George Washington when he said in his farewell address:
"Let there be no change [in the Constitution] by usurpation. For though this, in one instance may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed."
Why would he make a statement like that? Because he knew that during times of trouble there would be politicians that would try to forcibly take over the powers of government to impose their will on its citizens. This was the very thing that the Revolutionaries fought and died for to prevent and our first president foresaw it as a potential hazard if any president attacked the Constitution to advance an agenda.
And his omen came to pass in 1937.
Very few Americans know that, up until 1937, our government was conducting business within the realms of the 17 enumerated powers within Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution. These powers authorized the government to levy taxes and allocate funds and anything outside of these 17 powers was considered out of the government's jurisdiction and was left to the states.
Between 1935-36 the Supreme Court struck down eight of ten statutes brought to them by the FDR administration as unconstitutional. Of course, FDR was none too pleased and declared war on the Supreme Court:
"we have therefore, reached the point as a nation where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court and the Court from itself."
In 1936 the Democrat Party won an overwhelming victory at the polls and what happened next is what Constitutional historians refer to as the Revolution of 1937. Or what George Washington called the usurpation of the Constitution, which FDR used as a weapon to foist his agenda on the American people. What FDR proposed was that for each Supreme Court justice over the age of 70 that one new justice be appointed to "help with the case load". What he actually did was stack the Supreme Court deck with six additional judges that would back his "must have" legislation as Constitutional.
The role of the Supreme Court is to act as guardian of the Constitution; it does not make laws, but interprets them within the boundaries of the Constitution. If legislation is signed into law, the Supreme Court has the authority to strike it down if it deems it as unconstitutional.
According to an unnamed source, Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes was so frightened by FDR's move that he was convinced that the president was going to change the Supreme Court's historic role as the guardian of the Constitution. What Chief Justice Hughes did next was an attempt to ensure judicial supremacy.
At that time there were were three liberals, four conservatives, one moderate and one swing on the bench; the swing vote being Chief Justice Roberts. It was Chief Justice Roberts that was convinced by Chief Justice Hughes to swing over to the liberal side and declare Steward Machine Co. v. Davis, which was a social security case, as Constitutional. By doing so, it was sent back to committee where it died and sent a clear message to FDR that the Supreme Court was not a weapon to be used against the American people. It also came to be known as the "Switch in time that saved nine."
However, this decision also sent a message to Congress that it would no longer be held to enumerated powers and instead could tax and spend for anything; so long as it was for the general welfare. But, the 'general welfare' clause in the enumerated powers of Article 1 Section 8 was never intended to be a weapon for carte blanche taxing and spending. And up until the court case noted earlier, the Supreme Court never acquiesced.
What we are witnessing today is The New Deal Take Two. It is of historic fact that Franklin Delano Roosevelt's policies were disastrous then and a repeat of these policies will be disastrous now and the current unemployment rate is evidence. To quote his closest friend and confidant, Henry Morgenthau:
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong . . . somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started . . . And an enormous debt to boot!"
In closing I would like to quote James Madison, the principle founder of the Constitution:
“If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the general welfare, the government is no longer a limited one possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one subject to particular exceptions.”
James Madison, “Letter to Edmund Pendleton,”
-James Madison, January 21, 1792, in The Papers of James Madison, vol. 14, Robert A Rutland et. al., ed (Charlottesvile: University Press of Virginia,1984)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Gallup - More Say Healthcare Not Governments Responsibilty
PRINCETON, NJ -- More Americans now say it is not the federal government's responsibility to make sure all Americans have healthcare coverage (50%) than say it is (47%). This is a first since Gallup began tracking this question, and a significant shift from as recently as three years ago, when two-thirds said ensuring healthcare coverage was the government's responsibility. Gallup has asked this question each November since 2001 as part of the Gallup Poll Social Series, and most recently in its Nov. 5-8 Health and Healthcare survey. There have been some fluctuations from year to year, but this year marks the first time in the history of this trend that less than half of Americans say ensuring healthcare coverage for all is the federal government's responsibility. Read the rest at Gallup |
First A King, Now An Emporer
President Obama's deep bow to Japanese Emperor Akihito on Saturday may not have violated any official protocol, but critics of the presidential act of deference nevertheless say he's guilty of bad form. The incident followed Obama's dip to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in April, which the White House said was not a bow despite the criticism that followed. But in Japan, the White House could not argue with a photograph that showed him bent at a nearly 90-degree angle while shaking the hand of the emperor, as Empress Michiko smiled faintly next to him. Read the rest at FoxNews |
Friday, November 13, 2009
If It Blows Up Like A Terrorist, Shoots Like A Terrorist, Guess What?
It's a terrorist.
If you are one of those people that question the actions of Major Hasan as terrorism, then let me ask you a serious question:
If he would have ran into that building, pulled a rip cord and blew up the entire building, would that convince you that he is a terrorist? If you answered yes, then what's the difference between using two handguns and a strap on bomb? An act of terrorism doesn't require a specific type of weapon, particularly when you consider other acts of terror, like cyber-terror.
The dictionary defines terror as violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands.
Was Major Hasan part of a terrorist group? That remains to be seen as more evidence is being found, however, it's not a giant leap to conclude that his actions was one of terror when he yelled "Allahu Akbar" just prior to gunning down innocent people, as well as his past actions. Imagine if this would have been a person that yelled "The power of Christ compels you" prior to detonating a strap on bomb. Do you really think that the fringe, state run media wouldn't be screaming religious right wing terrorist? Remember James von Brunn?
And why doesn't the fringe, state run media use the T word? Because they know that if he is convicted of terrorism, then President Obama is through. Why? Because an act of terrorism on American soil since 9/11 occurred on his watch and his weak approach to fighting it would be without question.
This is what happens when political correctness goes out of control; being a veteran myself, I can attest to just how it has run amok. If his superiors wouldn't have had the cloud of retribution over their heads, I guarantee you Hasan would have been kicked out of the Army. Despite the fact that Major Hasan could have resigned his commission and left the Army on his own accord.
Why didn't he?
If you are one of those people that question the actions of Major Hasan as terrorism, then let me ask you a serious question:
If he would have ran into that building, pulled a rip cord and blew up the entire building, would that convince you that he is a terrorist? If you answered yes, then what's the difference between using two handguns and a strap on bomb? An act of terrorism doesn't require a specific type of weapon, particularly when you consider other acts of terror, like cyber-terror.
The dictionary defines terror as violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands.
Was Major Hasan part of a terrorist group? That remains to be seen as more evidence is being found, however, it's not a giant leap to conclude that his actions was one of terror when he yelled "Allahu Akbar" just prior to gunning down innocent people, as well as his past actions. Imagine if this would have been a person that yelled "The power of Christ compels you" prior to detonating a strap on bomb. Do you really think that the fringe, state run media wouldn't be screaming religious right wing terrorist? Remember James von Brunn?
And why doesn't the fringe, state run media use the T word? Because they know that if he is convicted of terrorism, then President Obama is through. Why? Because an act of terrorism on American soil since 9/11 occurred on his watch and his weak approach to fighting it would be without question.
This is what happens when political correctness goes out of control; being a veteran myself, I can attest to just how it has run amok. If his superiors wouldn't have had the cloud of retribution over their heads, I guarantee you Hasan would have been kicked out of the Army. Despite the fact that Major Hasan could have resigned his commission and left the Army on his own accord.
Why didn't he?
AoD - Article of the Day
Tu Quoque On Islam and the Crusades
Ibn Warraq
On Islam and the Crusades
Autumn 2009
Often, when I am criticizing crimes inspired by Islamic extremism, I am interrupted by the remark that Christianity was once culpable of similar abuses. That Christianity may have been intolerant in the past, however, does not make criticisms of Islam’s present-day intolerance any less valid. Also, Islamic intolerance is an immediate danger, whereas Christian intolerance is generally a historical phenomenon and no longer a threat to civilization. And Christendom’s crimes were recorded by Christians themselves—a stark contrast to our politically correct climate, in which many, especially Muslims, are reluctant to criticize Islam.
Still, one might point out Christianity’s historical shortcomings in order to avoid demonizing Islam alone. But this principle should work both ways: we should also avoid demonizing Christianity and be prepared to point out Islam’s shortcomings. In December 2008, Boris Johnson, mayor of London, presented a biased BBC program on the Crusades that laid the blame for them entirely on Christians. The program pointed out that after expelling the Moors from Spain, Christians converted a mosque into a church—an act of “vandalism.” However, it failed to note that the Crusades were a reaction against over 300 years of jihad and persecution of Eastern Christians, during which Muslims destroyed hundreds of churches and converted many others into mosques, including the magnificent Byzantine church Hagia Sophia.
Fallacy: Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
Read the rest at City Journal
Ibn Warraq
On Islam and the Crusades
Autumn 2009
Often, when I am criticizing crimes inspired by Islamic extremism, I am interrupted by the remark that Christianity was once culpable of similar abuses. That Christianity may have been intolerant in the past, however, does not make criticisms of Islam’s present-day intolerance any less valid. Also, Islamic intolerance is an immediate danger, whereas Christian intolerance is generally a historical phenomenon and no longer a threat to civilization. And Christendom’s crimes were recorded by Christians themselves—a stark contrast to our politically correct climate, in which many, especially Muslims, are reluctant to criticize Islam.
Still, one might point out Christianity’s historical shortcomings in order to avoid demonizing Islam alone. But this principle should work both ways: we should also avoid demonizing Christianity and be prepared to point out Islam’s shortcomings. In December 2008, Boris Johnson, mayor of London, presented a biased BBC program on the Crusades that laid the blame for them entirely on Christians. The program pointed out that after expelling the Moors from Spain, Christians converted a mosque into a church—an act of “vandalism.” However, it failed to note that the Crusades were a reaction against over 300 years of jihad and persecution of Eastern Christians, during which Muslims destroyed hundreds of churches and converted many others into mosques, including the magnificent Byzantine church Hagia Sophia.
Fallacy: Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
Read the rest at City Journal
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Return to NY-23
Return to NY-23? Owen's Lead Shrinks, Absentee Ballots WatchedBy Roy Edroso Speaking of repeats, we may have to return our attention to NY-23 again, as Dave Weigel reports that some recanvassing of ballots may call the result of that hilarious race -- in which the Republican quit and endorsed the Democrat to thwart the Conservative -- into question. After a second look at balloting in the district, "Winner" Bill Owens' lead has been dropped from 5,335 votes to 3,026. And there are about 10,000 absentee ballots yet to be tallied. Read the rest at The Village Voice |
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Gallup - GOP Surges In The Polls
Republicans Edge Ahead of Democrats for 2010 House Elections, Poll Shows According to a Gallup poll released Wednesday, 48 percent of voters said they would back a Republican, while 44 percent said they would support a Democrat, if the 2010 House elections were held today. Fresh off major Election Day victories in Virginia and New Jersey, Republicans got another boost Wednesday with a new Gallup poll that shows registered voters would favor the GOP over Democrats if the 2010 congressional election were held today. The Gallup survey, conducted Nov. 5-8, found that 48 percent of respondents said they would vote for a Republican candidate for Congress, while 44 percent said they would back a Democrat. Independent voters were decidedly stronger in their preference for a Republican candidate, choosing the GOP by a 22 percent margin -- 52 to 30 percent -- according to the survey. Read the rest at FoxNews |
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Links to 9/11?
Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army major suspected of killing 13 people and wounding 29 others at Fort Hood, worshipped at the same mosque as two of the 9/11 terrorists. According to the London Sunday Telegraph, Hasan attended services at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Va., in 2001 at the same time as Sept. 11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hamzi and Hani Hanjour. Funeral services for Hasan's mother also was held at that mosque. Read the rest at Newsmax |
Friday, November 6, 2009
Unemployment breaches 10 Percent
Just hours after the government announced that the jobless rate topped 10 percent for the time since 1983, President Obama signed new legislation to provide additional unemployment benefits to Americans thrown out of work. At a news briefing in the White House Rose Garden on Friday, Obama said the sobering national unemployment numbers are regretful, and pledged to work hard to restore the struggling economy. Nearly 16 million people are unemployed and the economy shed a net total of 190,000 jobs in October -- less than the downwardly revised 219,000 lost in September -- the Labor Department said Friday. August job losses were also revised lower, to 154,000 from 201,000. "History tells us that job growth always lags behind economic growth," Obama said, noting a government report last week that said the economy grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the July-September quarter, the strongest signal yet that the economy is rebounding. Read the rest at FoxNews |
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