If you are one of those people that question the actions of Major Hasan as terrorism, then let me ask you a serious question:
If he would have ran into that building, pulled a rip cord and blew up the entire building, would that convince you that he is a terrorist? If you answered yes, then what's the difference between using two handguns and a strap on bomb? An act of terrorism doesn't require a specific type of weapon, particularly when you consider other acts of terror, like cyber-terror.
The dictionary defines terror as violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands.
Was Major Hasan part of a terrorist group? That remains to be seen as more evidence is being found, however, it's not a giant leap to conclude that his actions was one of terror when he yelled "Allahu Akbar" just prior to gunning down innocent people, as well as his past actions. Imagine if this would have been a person that yelled "The power of Christ compels you" prior to detonating a strap on bomb. Do you really think that the fringe, state run media wouldn't be screaming religious right wing terrorist? Remember James von Brunn?
And why doesn't the fringe, state run media use the T word? Because they know that if he is convicted of terrorism, then President Obama is through. Why? Because an act of terrorism on American soil since 9/11 occurred on his watch and his weak approach to fighting it would be without question.
This is what happens when political correctness goes out of control; being a veteran myself, I can attest to just how it has run amok. If his superiors wouldn't have had the cloud of retribution over their heads, I guarantee you Hasan would have been kicked out of the Army. Despite the fact that Major Hasan could have resigned his commission and left the Army on his own accord.
Why didn't he?
His terrorist group is evidently Muslim,since he is subscribing to the idea that anyone who is not Muslim is infidel and therefore must be converted or killed.
ReplyDelete99.99% of international terrorism acts are being done by Muslims,therefore ANYONE who is Muslim is a potential terrorist.
Weaklings go with the PC flow since they are NOT brave enough to fight it.