When a person or group of people commit themselves and act on a decision we use the euphemism of crossing the river Rubicon, because it is the point of no return.
And the democrat party has done precisely that. From causing the housing melt down, bank bailouts, taking over auto industries to passing Obamacare, the democrats Holy Grail of progressivism, they have crossed the Rubicon and many of them know it and are bailing out like rats on a sinking ship.
Make no mistake. The republican party is just as guilty in much of the economic turmoil we're in, but, democrats have accelerated the problem exponentially. During the Bush years, liberals were yelling of malfeasance, impeach Bush for starting an unjust war, the Patriot Act is being used to arrest Americans, though there hasn't been any evidence of it. The list is endless.
Now that liberals have gotten their wish, though temporarily, critics of the Obama regime have been endlessly berated and called racist and ask, "Where were you when Bush was president?" Well, we were saying something, but nobody was listening. If you were expecting us to launch into venomous and vitriolic tirades, sorry, we conservatives and libertarians don't see the need to act in such ways.
However, since Obama has been in office, he has made the economic situation worse, as well as stepping up combat operations in Afghanistan. You asked us where we were when Bush was causing problems, well, we can ask you the same thing now. Why aren't you yelling from on high about the current situation? Where is the vitriol you showed Bush? Or is that the problem? It's ok because it's a democrat doing it, but not ok if it's a republican.
Oh well, it doesn't matter. Rather than shrugging our shoulders and saying, "Dans le doute, abstiens toi." we're in no doubt now and we are going to do something this November. All we need to do is vote out many of the incumbents and replace them in he House, where the purse strings reside.
Then we can starve these reprehensible bills out of existence.
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