Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why we need the 2nd Amendment more than ever

If there ever was a reason for needing the Second Amendment more than ever, then look no further than John Podesta. In an interview at the Daily Caller, he suggests that the President should, "use all levels of his power and authority to move the country forward." The head of the George Soros funded group, Center for American Progress released a report that the president can use executive orders, rulemaking, and even the armed forces “to accomplish important change” and that such means “should not be underestimated.”

This is the early stages used by tyrannical leaders to gain power over its citizens and force their agenda upon them. This is exactly why our Founders put the Second Amendment into our Constitution; in the event the government tried to impose its will over its citizens, they have a means to fight back.

And it also begs the question as to why Podesta feels the need for Obama to use these means to force his agenda on American citizens. If his policies and agenda are going to fix our economy, he certainly wouldn't see the need to use military force to accomplish it. The answer is obvious, once you see who is behind the curtain.

What this report is showing is nothing more than abject fear. Anyone, or any group that recommends using our military to further our government's agenda does so because there is no legitimacy behind it, thus Americans will reject it as was shown on November 2nd.

Now we have Senator Rockefeller issuing a threat to shut down free speech (aka Fox News), via the FCC, which has no authority over cable networks; of course, this won't stop the progressive agenda. In his speech, which you can find on the front page, can be summed up by the old phrase, "The ends justify the means".

Stock up on ammo, folks.

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