Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why we need the 2nd Amendment more than ever

If there ever was a reason for needing the Second Amendment more than ever, then look no further than John Podesta. In an interview at the Daily Caller, he suggests that the President should, "use all levels of his power and authority to move the country forward." The head of the George Soros funded group, Center for American Progress released a report that the president can use executive orders, rulemaking, and even the armed forces “to accomplish important change” and that such means “should not be underestimated.”

This is the early stages used by tyrannical leaders to gain power over its citizens and force their agenda upon them. This is exactly why our Founders put the Second Amendment into our Constitution; in the event the government tried to impose its will over its citizens, they have a means to fight back.

And it also begs the question as to why Podesta feels the need for Obama to use these means to force his agenda on American citizens. If his policies and agenda are going to fix our economy, he certainly wouldn't see the need to use military force to accomplish it. The answer is obvious, once you see who is behind the curtain.

What this report is showing is nothing more than abject fear. Anyone, or any group that recommends using our military to further our government's agenda does so because there is no legitimacy behind it, thus Americans will reject it as was shown on November 2nd.

Now we have Senator Rockefeller issuing a threat to shut down free speech (aka Fox News), via the FCC, which has no authority over cable networks; of course, this won't stop the progressive agenda. In his speech, which you can find on the front page, can be summed up by the old phrase, "The ends justify the means".

Stock up on ammo, folks.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Climategate one year later.

I don't normally repost an article from another website, but, I felt that this particular piece was worthy because it underscores what occurred a year ago and where it may be going now. We rational folk always knew that the anthropogenic global warming/climate change was a hoax and when science colludes with government, disastrous legislation is always looming in the District of Crime we know as Congress. To be sure, Cap and Trade was passed in the House, but died in the Senate.

On November 17, 2009, person, or persons still unknown to this day, "hacked" East Anglia's Climate Research Unit servers and uploaded data to a Russian FTP server and subsequently announced it, via a post at Air Vent. This post went viral within hours and the contents of the file was eventually broken down and posted in a searchable database.

These emails, which contained datasets, should have ended this hoax once and for all. Alas, this wouldn't be the case. However, events on November 2nd, which changed the House of Representatives red, may change the tone and set the course for a proper investigation into these emails.

Courtesy goes to Marc Sheppard via American Thinker.


It’s been one year to the day since hero or heroes still unnamed and unrewarded bestowed upon the world a virtual dossier, the contents of which should have ended the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) debate abruptly and evermore.  Remarkably, it didn’t.  Despite the revelations exposed in the now public climate huckster’s handbook, one year later the specter of governance and wealth redistribution both national and international based largely, if not solely, on pseudo-scientific hocus-pocus persists.

By all measures, last year’s U.N. climate summit in Copenhagen was an embarrassing flop for those who again tried to sell an international progressive fund reallocation scheme as the “last chance to save the planet” from runaway climate change.  But with Cancun’s “last chance to save the planet” climate talks just around the corner, the media is working overtime to explain away previous failures as anything other than the product of bad policy toward unproven hazards that they indeed were.

Read the entire article at American Thinker

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Obama admin hands out 111 Obamacare waivers

Proof that Obamacare is a jobs killer. Unions and franchises are fighting to get waivers to keep their businesses going as the White House handing out 111 waivers to businesses and companies, so they are not required to have it and escaping any penalties as mandated by the jobs killing legislation.

And locating the list of waivers isn't exactly easy to find, which means staffers buried it deep on the White House website to hide it; you have to click no less than six links to see it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Proof positive dems heard the message, but ignoring it.

The Republican party got the message on November 2nd and so far appear to be heeding it, as some new Republican faces in the House will be in leadership positions. By contrast, the losing democrats say they got the message, but their actions are saying, "Screw you, America. We still know best."

The Hill reported today that new democrat faces are being sidelined for leadership roles, while the senior rank and file members take them over. Despite the fact that these new faces in the democrat minority haven't publicly complained...yet, there does appear to be some grumbling within. As reported by  The Hill, one democrat aide,, said “We can’t let them sit on the bench for too much longer."

Then there is the battle for minority whip in the House of Representatives between Steny Hoyer and James Clyburn. Wanna bet who will be "sitting at the back of the bus" when it's over?

Let's not forget the worst Speaker of the House in US history. Pelosi's ousting by American voters didn't seep through the botox either; despite losing the Speaker role, she has dug in her heels and will most likely get another leadership position within the hallowed halls of Congress.

If this isn't proof positive that democrats are ignoring the message sent by American voters on November 2nd, then I don't know what else would convince you. They got the message, but, acting like a spoiled brat child, are ignoring it. And they do it at their peril, because the next election cycle is going to be even worse for the dems.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A message for Joe McGinniss: Go pound sand

H/T to Weasel Zippers and a courtesy to Slate

Talk about irony. This dirtbag has shown what it means to be the epitome of what a hypocrite is. Hey, Joe. If you can't take the heat and all that jazz. Talk about being at the bottom rung of evolutional society.
Edward Sabin, COO
Eileen O’Neill, President
The Learning Channel (TLC)

David Zaslav CEO
Peter Liguori, COO
Discovery Comm., LLC

Mark Burnett, President
Mark Burnett Productions

RE: “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” // Invasion of Privacy of Joe McGinniss

Dear Ms. O’Neill, Mr. Sabin, Mr. Zaslav, Mr. Ligouri and Mr. Burnett:

This law firm represents Joe McGinniss. It has come to our attention that the first episode (titled “Mamma Grizzly”) of the above referenced television show, scheduled to air on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 9:00 PM on TLC, contains unauthorized videotaped images of Mr. McGinniss which were obtained without his knowledge or consent. In addition, you have already placed a video clip containing this image of Mr. McGinniss on your website and it has been picked up and reproduced by the Huffington Post and many other online sites.

Mr. McGinniss was not asked if any production crew could videotape him as he read a book on the secluded deck of the house he was living in at that time. He was not aware that any camera crew was in fact videotaping him. Mr. McGinniss had a reasonable expectation of privacy under those circumstances. The mere taking of the video therefore gives rise to an actionable claim for invasion of his privacy. The publication of the video on your website and in the television show constitutes an additional wrong – the unauthorized use of the likeness of Mr. McGinniss. Finally, the manner in which Ms. Palin describes Mr. McGinniss in the episode is defamatory: Mr. McGinniss has never invaded the Palins’ privacy, contrary to the many statements made by Ms. Palin and her husband, both prior to this television production, and now repeated in the episode referenced above.

DEMAND IS HEREBY MADE upon each of you that all images of Mr. McGinniss be removed from any television show produced by any of you, and removed from any website controlled or operated by any of you. If you do not do so, Mr. McGinniss will be forced to pursue all his available remedies. Please confirm in writing by November 12, 2010, to this office that you will remove these images.

Mr. McGinniss reserves all of his rights.

If you would like to discuss any of the above, contact this office.

Very truly yours,
Dennis Holahan

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It wasn't a message, it was a repudiation

People in California, Delaware and New York? You deserve everything you get. As for Nevada, what can I say except that Sharon Angle was fighting against the machine.

With still more votes to count, we may see more seats changing hands to Republicans. With a 59 seat pick up, this wasn't a message to Obama and the democrats, it was a repudiation of his agenda. Senate races in Alaska and Washington are still too close to call and still may count towards Republican gains.

And the apparatchik bloggers and the left wing media crowd are already spinning this repudiation of the anointed one's agenda as being ready to "compromise", or "reaching across the aisle" and "bipartisanship".

Not quite.

Where was this compromise and reaching across the aisle when the democrats were running things since 2006? They shoved health care down our throats. They passed Cap and Trade in the House. They passed a number of other legislation under the radar and all without compromise or reaching across the aisle.

If there was a message in last night's elections, it was one of no compromise. What's good for the goose...

Obama has two directions he can go, as I see it.

A. ) He can continue to go full steam ahead and fight the Republican led House, in which case he'll try to pin the blame of not compromising on the GOP and try to use it against them during the next election cycle in 2012.

B.) He can move towards the center, as Bill Clinton did. In this case, he'll alienate his far left base even more and dashing all hopes of a second term.

As for those incumbent senators who narrowly won, it certainly sent a message for those who will be up for re-election in 2012. When legislation is passed in the House and moves to the Senate, those senators will be thinking twice before they vote. After witnessing what happened last night, they are not about to rubber stamp Obama's agenda as they did for the last four years, knowing that they may be next for retirement.

What about those democrat senators that vote so close to the Republican line that it's hard to tell what party they are in? My guess is that they will be courted to flip sides. Then there are those two independents. They may caucus with democrats, but, Lieberman is known for voting along Republican lines quite often.

What we need to hope for in this Congressional split is gridlock. In this case, nobody can get things done, thus preventing any of Obama's agenda from getting anywhere. Gridlock is good.

What concerns me at this point are those establishment Republicans who would try to co-opt the fresh faces in the House and the Senate, such as Trent Lott. This cannot be allowed to happen. If it does, then we'll back to where we were that ultimately led to GOP defeat in 2006 when we couldn't tell who the Republicans were.

In closing, I have a message for Karl Rove. Christine O'Donnell may have been defeated, but, if she had not defeated Castle, he would most likely have lost to Coons anyway. What Christine O'Donnell did was galvanize conservatives in Delaware and proved that sticking to those principles can work wonders. Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman lost, because they were willing to compromise and that's not what Americans were wanting when they went to the polls last night.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

When liberty is threatened, the American people will fix it

"Whenever our affairs go obviously wrong, the good sense of the people will interpose and set them to rights."

- Thomas Jefferson to David Humphreys, 1789

Isn't it interesting what happens when Americans feel that their liberty is being threatened. In 1994, it was nothing more than a shift of power. If the GOP gain 55 seats or more in the House, it's a clarion call to our government that the American people has had enough. And if miracles do happen and the GOP takes over both houses of Congress, what kind of message will that be?

But, I issue this warning to the GOP. Screw it up this time and the Republican party is done for...permanently.

And if you think the Tea Party movement didn't have anything to do with it, then you are living in La La Land. Before Obama was anointed, the American people were pissed off at Bush and the Republican party and wanted change; they got it, but it wasn't the change they were looking for. Yes, this mess started during Bush's watch, but, the democrats were in complete control of both houses since 2006. When Obama was anointed, he stated that, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming this great country..."

Yet, those who wanted change didn't ask the obvious question: "If this is a great country, why does it need to be transformed and transformed into what?" It didn't take long for the answer to that question to be fully realized and then Rick Santelli said the words that started a movement.

A great awakening.

And don't kid yourself into thinking that Obama's people will go away quietly. During early voting, the SEIU were already up to their old tricks and will do anything to ensure that they don't lose this year; they have A LOT at stake and they know they will lose it all if their puppets lose.

I'll echo the words of Mark Steyn, "It will be a victory by the margin of lawyer."