During her first visit to China about a week ago, you would think that it was her very first campaign speech. Despite criticism among Democrats and Republicans, particularly after her abrupt resignation as governor of Alaska, she seems to be blazing a trail across the world promoting Conservative values and blasting the policies of our current president.
And it's resonating.
After her VP speech during the RNC convention last year, she rekindled the Conservative movement that continues to grow on a daily basis. But, she also showed us something more.
She's down to earth and it's difficult to distinguish her from your next door neighbor. That's what is causing her popularity among average, every day Americans to rise; looking at her current Facebook page, she is quickly nearing 1,000,000 fans, despite some of them being trolls who post drive by vitriolic comments. And wherever she goes, she is sure to attract attention and draw a crowd.
Her new book, Going Rogue: An American Life is scheduled to release on November 17 and it has already shot to number 1 on pre-order sales. For someone that is constantly vilified, why does she remain so popular and why does it continue to grow on a daily basis? Could it be that she is down to earth? She says what she means? She doesn't sugarcoat anything? She identifies with the common everyday American? She's a woman?
Maybe it's high time that our country needs a mother's touch. After all, this country finally tore through the disgusting, hateful racism and elected our first African-American. Why not go further and elect the first woman? Not even a year into his first term, Obama has already shown us his true colors and slipped in the polls faster than any other president in history.
And do we really need to go down the road of Congresses popularity?
What has Obama given us thus far? A 9.7% unemployment rate, a national debt that has robbed our grand children, constantly blaming the previous administration for his own follies, not that they don't deserve any and gallivanting across the nation continuing to campaign. The list can go on. Suffice it to say that he doesn't seem to realize that the 2008 campaigns are over.
And I'll ask the question: Can we do any worse by replacing Carter's second term with Sarah? And if you try to use the "lack of skills" argument, may I turn your attention to our current president and his skills? Sarah Palin is the only governor that I am aware of that had the highest popularity rating of any sitting governor in the 20th and and 21st centuries. And not just any governor. She was running a state that provides the bulk of this country's energy needs. What has Obama run in his past experience? A community organizer and a 140+ day stint in the Senate?
If you are an employer, which curriculum vitae would you accept?
But what she has to do is gather support from the Indies. If she is trying to gather momentum for a 2012 run, getting them on her side is the top priority; many Conservatives and Republicans already support her. Without the Independents, she'll probably come out of the gate in the lead, but it will eventually cause her to fall behind.
But, the ultimate question is will she have a chance if she decides to run?
You betcha!
And it's scaring the living daylights out of liberals, democrats and progressives.
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