What about 20/20? They were another group of investigative reporters that played instrumental roles in exposing corporate corruption.
Well, they are now extinct like the dinosaur. No more are the days when we can tune in to these shows and watch the reporters expose corruption using techniques, like asking the tough questions and digging until they got answers and in some cases dealing with situations that could get them harmed or worse.
We used to call them the Mainstream Media.
They aren't mainstream anymore, as Glenn Beck says, we should call them the Fringe media now and I couldn't agree more. The current media has taken a huge turn to the far left and has openly supported and donated millions of dollars to a presidential candidate, which is unprecedented. In short, Journalism is dead.
When I see blatant and overt doctoring of live video, such as what Contessa Brewer did with the African American protester with an AR-15 on his shoulder and handgun on his hip at an Obama town hall, then throw down the race card, I say to myself, "No wonder your ratings are tanking hard."
And then we have the Sarah Palin interview done by Charlie Gibson. Remember that? The moment I watched it, I immediately felt condescension and I couldn't shake off the feeling of someone laying in wait to ambush their victim. I guess I felt that way when he was looking down his nose at her over the top of glasses.
Oh, and let's not forget the Katie Couric interview with Sarah Palin. If that wasn't a setup, I don't know what was. Questions tailored to trip up someone isn't exactly what I would call journalism, it's the equivalent to setting a trap to snare one's prey. Well, at least Sarah knows there are only 50 states instead of 57.
And what about the Fringe media either literally ignoring or down playing stories like those of "Reverend" Wright, Tony Rezko, William Ayers and the like? Why aren't they reporting these stories? But, when Michael Jackson dies because some "doctor" pumped drugs down his throat, you couldn't get enough of it on the Fringe media outlets. I was so frustrated one day, I turned on Spongebob Squarepants. Without a doubt, Michael Jackson was to pop music as Elvis was to rock in roll, but the Fringe media was doing too much.
Now we must rely on FoxNews to get any real journalism of any sort. When I tune into FoxNews to watch Bill O'Reilly, I actually get to hear two sides of the story; liberal and conservative views. When I tune into Sean Hannity, I get to watch his panel with democrat and republican points of view. When I watch Greta, sometimes I see a democrat and sometimes I see a Republican being asked hard and pointed questions.
And you don't see them doctoring video.
Remember this:
You won't get that from the Fringe media. Megyn doesn't turn down the heat and certainly doesn't accept this twit's spin on the White House's collection of "fishy" emails. Baghdad Bob's assistant was skewered by REAL journalism and I recall being somewhat riveted to Megyn's interview. You won't get that from the Fringe media anymore.
What about this interview with Glenn Beck:
This is what 60 Minutes and 20/20 used to be all those years ago. Digging for information, verifying the sources, asking the hard and pointed questions and being relentless to get at the truth behind the smoke and mirrors.
No, instead we get this:
Sorry, Chris, but I don't get a thrill going up the back of my leg when I hear a speech from anyone, except those done by our Founding Fathers. When I heard him say that, I nearly gagged and vomited.
And do I really need to go down the Keith Olbermann road?
What really appalls me is the non reporting of the latest ACORN scandal. Think about it for a second. If you have a modicum of skepticism, you would be asking yourself why FoxNews is the only news outlet that is reporting on this. I mean, here we have two young adults doing what 60 Minutes and 20/20 used to do.
Well, we may be seeing a resurrection of what journalism used to be.
The latest Fringe media craze is to equate criticism towards Obama as the new racism. Of course, this is what happens when the Fringe media is in the tank for President Obama and donates millions to his campaign. Smart Americans know all too well that the race card is nothing more than a smoke screen to divert attention away from the important issues. They do this because they are of the opinion that average working Americans are too stupid to think for themselves.
I won't disgust you anymore and I'll sum this up by quoting a poster at HotAir:
For the MSM it is CHANGE and HOPE, change the story and hope the sheep buy it.
Well, we ain't buying it.
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