And it has been a dismal failure. Below I will outline my five reasons why this is the case.
1. They are powerless and take a pacifist stance.
The United Nations is powerless and therefore incapable of taking any direct action without support from its members. Because the U.N. lacks any real power to put these repressive regimes in check, the Hugo Chavez's and the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's of this world are free to do what they want; just remind yourself of North Korea's recent behavior. Yet all the U.N. does is consider sanctions.
2. The five countries with veto powers are ideologically self defeating.
The US, Russia, China, France and the UK are the only five countries that have any veto power, because they were the founding countries of the U.N. and wrote the rules, it's highly unlikely that any of these countries are going to waive their voting rights in favor of fairness. What they should do is deny votes to countries who's regimes are violent and repressive, however, this would be counter intuitive to it's stated purpose. In short China represses its own people, France sells nuclear reactor parts to hostile countries, the UK frees terrorists for oil, Russia, as well as France conducted backdoor deals with Iraq by exchanging food for oil, the US has the spine to reinforce 17 U.N. sanctions that Iraq flagrantly ignored.
3. The U.N. is completely useless when it comes to terrorism.
This is an obvious one due to the fact the the U.N. doesn't formally recognize any country as a terrorist state. Because the U.N. is a public forum for countries to debate politics, terrorists have no interest whatsoever in debating and we know that the U.N. has no desire to get involved in politics with terrorists. The consequences of this lack of inaction is blindness to the fact that there are state sponsored terrorist groups which leaves them completely unable to address terrorist actions and thus rendering them ineffective.
4. U.N. representatives are completely powerless.
These representatives are nothing more than mouthpieces for their country's leaders and are doing nothing more than advancing their agendas. Furthermore, countries that are repressive and have a history of being violent use the U.N.'s platform to obfuscate and delay debates to their favor and because of these tactics nothing gets resolved peacefully. Typically, back room negotiations, direct military force or direct threats tend to force any changes between countries. Iraq is a good example of this when Saddam Hussein violated 17 sanctions imposed by the U.N. and actively thwarted inspectors when they were looking for WMD's. On top that, Iraq was also conducting illegal deals with other countries by trading oil for food. As a result, sanctions were a dismal failure.
The U.S. was the only country that had the backbone to step up and break the stalemate. People who are of the opinion that the invasion of Iraq was predicated on WMD's need to consider that other countries spy agencies verified their existence in Iraq. Now that more information has been gleaned, we now know that Hussein lied about it in order to keep Iran in check. I am of the opinion that the U.S. had enough of Hussein's shenanigans and the gutless wonders in the U.N. It's also noteworthy to add that some believe that MI6 misled other countries into believing that Hussein had WMD's.
5. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
Formed in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization, this body of worthless bureaucrats within the U.N. has an agenda of suppressing third world countries from benefiting from their natural resources, thus preventing them from pulling out of poverty. The IPCC does not carry out research nor does it monitor climate related phenomena, yet they are constantly howling that the modern human industrial population needs to change their evil ways or face extinction. They have a disease called "open mouth and insert foot syndrome", when they constantly make the wild and false claim that CO2 is a pollutant.
The United Nations has been an abysmal failure since its inception. It's powerless to do anything and therefore a useless entity and I am of the opinion that it needs to be disbanded or the US needs to pull its membership.
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