"He should be institutionalized. First of all Glenn Beck, why is he even on television? I think it's somehow abusive to have Glenn Beck on TV because he seems mentally unstable."
So, the First Amendment doesn't apply to Glenn Beck because he is a kook that cooks up conspiracy theories and, according to another erudite individual, says the president wants to "slaughter" Americans? Not to mention that he is a shill for the Republican Party.
What jumps out at me is the fact that nowhere in this elitist exchange do they even make an attempt to refute any of Glenn Beck's claims and conspiracy theories. I wonder why that would be? Oh, I know. It's because they can't, so they would rather strip Beck's right to free speech.
Let's see. Keith Olberman on MessNBC said of Scott Brown, "In short, in Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees. In any other time in our history, this man would have been laughed off the stage as an unqualified and a disaster in the making by the most conservative of conservatives. Instead, the commonwealth of Massachusetts is close to sending this bad joke to the Senate of the United States."
And Ed Schultz said this, "And I'm inviting the drug-ridden scumbag, Rush Limbaugh, on The Ed Show to debate me on any topic! He won't do it because he's a drug addict and he's a coward, a complete coward. Plus he probably couldn't hear me if he was on The Ed Show...C'mon you fat pig. Let's get it on. I'm getting ratings without you. Hell, I'm doing you a favor. C'mon, Rush! Let's get it on! Get out of your compound down there. Get away from your drugs. Go see the doctor and get some hearing. Maybe you could pick up a 19th girlfriend. Maybe you could try marriage again. By the way, Rush, you got any kids? Oh, you're out of the mainstream!"
So, Keith Olberman and Ed Schultz's language is covered under the First Amendment, but, Glenn Beck's is not?
To say that the lame stream media, such as MessNBC, was complicit in campaigning for Obama isn't a stretch, particularly when Tina Brown and Howard Kurtz admitted it, "No, Obama got the best press known to man. Let's face it." And Kurtz added, "In the history of civilization."
And let's not forget that every time John Edwards was discussed on these "objective" talk shows, not one time did they ever refer to him as a democrat.
So, who's shilling for who? And what of the rumors that Olby's show is set to be canceled? If this is true, I'll bet it has something to do with a 44% drop in ratings and, I'll wager, that your show isn't fairing to well either.
Yet, Glenn Beck is well known for pummeling both republicans and democrats, if one watches his show or listens to it, they would know that he has railed on Lindsey Graham and John McCain, among other progressives. Of course, we all know that Joy Behar is objective in her reasoning:
Joy Behar made a living being "funny" and it's any wonder why she didn't go broke, because funny she's not. What she basically said was nothing short of echoing Margaret Sanger's idea of eugenics, which, incidentally, was taken up by the Nazi Party.
But, there is one question I have for Lizz Winstead, "Why is it that Glenn Beck's show on FoxNews alone is crushing the other news networks over 10 fold combined?" Why do you think that his show has surpassed Sean Vannity's and is quickly catching up to Bill O'Reilly's? Why has he been selected as the second most popular person on television?
Okay, that was more than one. Who's counting?
Glenn Beck has done more to reawaken Americans' interest in politics and our history than anyone else on network television and we are wide awake. You would rather rewrite our history and indoctrinate. And it frightens you, Lizz. I think it shakes you to your bones, because now that we are awake, liars like Obama and his ilk are in danger of losing come November and 2012.
Glenn Beck has become FoxNews' crowning jewel and it scares you, Lizz. You may say that his listeners and viewers are ignorant, stupid, backward ass hicks, but, you would be saying that to over 3,000,000 Americans. Are you willing to do that? I'll bet you think it, though.
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