The quote above by Thomas Jefferson seems to be anathema to politicians, particularly when it's put to use. There are some questions that can only be answered with a simple yes or a no; whether or not one believes that the Bush administration killed 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001 is one of those questions.
Yesterday on Glenn Beck's radio show, Debra Medina, who is running for governor of Texas was asked this very question by Glenn Beck. Expecting a yes or no from Debra Medina was not what he and us listeners got. What we got was nothing short of someone trying not to lie by putting a spin on the answer.
And that's what she tried to do. When someone is asked a pointed question that only requires a yes or no, but, goes off on some tangent, they are trying to mask their true answer. In short, Debra Medina admitted that she's a 9/11 "Truther". Listen to the exchange and decide for yourself: Did she try not to lie by putting spin on a simple question?
"I think some very good questions have been raised in that regard. There are some very good arguments, and I think the American people have not seen all of the evidence there, so I have not taken a position on that."
Uh oh. Not good.
"Well, you know, that's a federal issue. We're very focused on issues in Texas, on Texas state government. I'm certainly not into mind control or thought policing people. "We've got a very diverse team in this state and that's because Texans are standing shoulder to shoulder to support and defend the Constitution. I frankly don't have time, you know, to go through and do psychological testing on people and know every thought or detail that they have."
See ya. I can sum up Debra Medina's spin in one phrase: YES. I Do think the Bush administration killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11.
It's really fascinating that Bush-Cheney detractors can call them stupid, clowns and imbeciles, yet claim that they were smart enough to concoct and execute, with mastermind precision to kill 3,000 Americans.
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